Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Colors Make a Fashion Statement

Women are generally drawn to the colors that flatter their figure and complexion. Your favorite color doesn't always appear in your wardrobe if it doesn't do a thing for you. If you're the majority, the color you most often choose to wear is the image you want to reflect, and the color that makes you look and feel good.
Lets have fun! Find out what fashion statement you're making with the colors you wear on an everyday basis -- and what the color of your clothing says about your personality.

What the Color of Your Clothing Says about You????

  • Black - Conservative yet sexy, you know that black is versatile. Wearing black clothing makes you appear thinner, giving your self-esteem a turbo-boost.

  • Pink - Traditional and charming, pink is feminine all the way. A pink and black combo is a trendy twosome for women who like to add mystery to their otherwise girly image.

  • Red - Bold and vibrant, you like to be the center of attention. Red portrays the adventurous side of you that's undeniable.

  • Blue - Fun-loving and free, blue clothing attracts independent women who are comfortable with their inner-selves and achievements.

  • Orange - Extroverted and gutsy, orange means you like to stand out in a crowd. Never taking life for granted, you enjoy new challenges and have a tendency to come out on top.

  • Yellow - Always the optimist, you're athletic and outdoorsy. Yellow reflects a vibrant personality and great intuition.

  • White - Those who favor white prefer "safe" colors for a perfect match. White can be a great accent for a deep, dark tan, adding sex-appeal to the "colorless" color.

  • Green - If you're hot on green, you're a down-to-earth, natural beauty. While somewhat stubborn, you're still "the girl next door" who likes to have fun.

Men's Style Tips

14 Men's Style Tips:

Women notice a successful man, but not all successful men get noticed. Why? They don't know how to present themselves. Here are some tips that will help you look your best, no matter what your budget.

Whiten your teeth : The best way to whiten your teeth is to have them bleached at the dentist's office. This procedure can run between $390 and $1,200 for both the upper and lower teeth. It should take between one and three hours. If you want to save money, you can use either a take-home dental kit (about $500), an over-the-counter kit (less than $120), or even an "express whitener," like Crest's Whitestrips (which promise whiter teeth in seven or 14 days, depending on the package; prices range from $28 to $33, but results only last a year). If you want to go all out, you can also use toothpaste with whitening ingredients, which won't actually make your teeth whiter, but will prevent further yellowing.

Get a tan: The price of a tan can range from free to a ton of cash, and can take as long as a summer season or as short as a few minutes. The difference is whether you do it the old-fashioned way or in a salon. If you opt for a salon, expect to pay about a dollar per minute (and remember the potential danger of tanning beds). How long it takes and how often you need to visit depends on your skin pigment. Either way, remember to apply sunscreen and don't forget to consult a doctor if you have any questions about safety. On the other hand, self-tanning lotions and spray tanning salons are other options.

Get a professional shave Men are always looking for a better shave. After all, a good shave means your WOMEN will be more likely to get close. But nothing beats a barbershop shave,
for two reasons. First, the old-school brush the barber uses to apply the cream
actually lifts your facial hair, making the shave easier. Second, the straight
razor gets closer than anything else on the market. True, you could do it yourself, but I wouldn't experiment with a straight razor on my face. And who wouldn't want to be pampered when it comes to
shaving ?
Consider professional hair removal Many of us have hair in the wrong places. But we have several options. Any area can be shaved (provided that you can reach it), but shaving is a short-term fix. If you're attacking a small area like your ears or nostrils, the proper attachment on an electric razor is your best bet. ForBlockquote larger areas, you can use a chemical hair removal cream like Nair for Men, which can sting and cause a reaction, and isn't permanent. You could also wax, which is pretty painful. Then there are the more permanent options: electrolysis and laser hair removal. Both cause mild discomfort but promise permanent removal at a price ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on how many treatments are required.

Get a new pair of eyeglasses : Glasses don't have to be boring. A simple change can go a long way in giving you the attention you want. Try rimless glasses if you're used to clunky specs. If you're looking to draw attention to your glasses, try bigger frames, like thick, plastic, rectangular frames.

Get a good suit : Two factors set a nice suit apart from the pack: the style (which changes, but you can't go wrong with a single-breasted, solid color suit) and the material. For material, you'll want to go with wool, which comes in four types: tweed, tropical, flannel, and worsted. Yes, there are other materials (like polyester), but wool is natural, wears well, breathes, and accomplishes a cool and timeless look.

Get a new pair of cufflinks : A suit says you're a professional, but cufflinks say you've got style. Yes, they serve a practical purpose that you could also accomplish with a button, but this is your chance for a little bling. For less than $100, you can find a nice pair. But we're talking
jewelry here, so in theory, the sky is the limit. And no one says you can't wear cufflinks while wearing a button-down shirt with flat-front pants .

Invest in a stylish tie : A tie is the only real choice a guy makes when he goes formal. Suits come in basic styles and colors, but ties let us know who the players are. Every guy should have at least one tie that he bought at a specialty shop. It'll be your power tie, the one that works for you in every respect, from length, to shape, to color. Make it a silk tie and you've really got something.
Clean your watch thoroughly This one is practically free and it goes a long way. You can clean your
watch with a lint-free cloth and a toothpick to get rid of the dirt clogged in the case. If your watch is water-resistant, you can use warm water and mild soap. If your watch has a leather band, only clean the case.

Get a new jacket : It's tempting to use the same
jacket year after year. After all, if it keeps you warm, there's no point in changing, right? Wrong. Invest in a quality jacket. Try cashmere if you're looking to make a formal impression, or go with a cool leather jacket for a more casual look.

Tailor your clothes : You don't need to tailor everything you own, but you should have a few items (and at least one suit complete with shirt) that fit you perfectly.
Tailoring isn't cheap, but some stores offer lifetime alterations, which could save you from having to buy a new suit.
Get a nice belt Don't make your belt the afterthought -- it's holding up your pants, so you want quality. But you should also consider style when choosing one. A black leather belt with a small silver buckle is good for just about all occasions. Aside from matching your
belt to your wardrobe (including your shoes ), you need a good fitting belt. The right fit is a belt that fits snugly around your waist while set at the third hole.

Don't look like pocket change : Different tips work for different guys, so you don't have to do everything on this list. But it's a good idea to try a few things and see what works best for you. If you get a compliment on something you try, you know you've hit the jackpot

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Natural Face Masks

Homemade Facial Scrub Instead of Soap
This is for the lady who wanted a homemade facial mask. First, clean your face with water only. Never use soap. You can open your pores with hot compresses (washcloth) For a facial scrub, moisten oatmeal to a "goo", use it to scrub your face (not around your eyes). Wash off with cool water.You may also make a paste of the oatmeal and allow it to dry..remove with cool water.You may also beat an egg white, put it on your face and let it dry, rinse with cool water. Sliced fresh cucumber placed on your closed eyes will reduce bagginess and dark circles.To make your hair shine, rub in some regular mayonnaise,shampoo out after 15 minutes.

Honey for Best Facial
The best facial mask that i have found is honey. Use warm cloth to open pores, smear on honey, leave on 15 to 30 minutes, rinse off with warm water, and then use cold water to close pores. Use for 3 days in a row and then once a week. Sometimes I mix a little gound oatmeal with the honey, which makes a great mask.

Match Mask to Your Skin Type
For trouble-prone skin, mix oatmeal with water to form a paste.
For normal to oily skin, use an egg white.
For dry skin, use an egg yolk.
In all cases, spread mixture on face and allow to dry. Rinse thoroughly with cool water.
For oily skin, witch hazel makes an inexpensive toner.
For dry skin, you may want to add moisturizer while skin is still damp.

How to get rid of blackheads


Blackheads are composed of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that produce firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Blackheads are open to the skin's surface and become darkened at the surface by exposure to oxygen (oxidation). They are called open comedones. When bacteria are added to these plugs, the condition can lead to acne.

How to get rid of blackheads:

The best way to get rid of blackheads is to remove the cause of them — excessive sebum (oil) and dead skin cells. Use only products made with natural ingredients that are not too astringent. Harsh products can strip the skin of oil, causing it to produce more sebum which leads to more blocked pores. Don't be afraid of using cleansing products containing natural oils, such as jojoba or coconut oil to cleanse the skin. These oils are close to our natural oils, so they don't block the pores. Use a gentle exfoliator every day to remove dead skin cells so they don't block pores. Just remember to be very gentle, over exfoliation can exacerbate the problem. Avoid products containing the following: alcohol, isopropyl mystate, lanolin, sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium laureth sulphate, propylene glycol, mineral oil and parabens.

Do not try and extract them forcibly, either using your fingers, fingernails or a comedone (blackhead) remover. This can cause permanent damage to the pores and stop them working properly for ever. You may squeeze some of the blackhead out, but you could also force some of it even deeper into the skin, which may lead to infection (large spots, pimples or even cysts) or permanent damage. Touching your skin should generally be avoided to prevent cross infection.

Things You Should Care for While Dying Your Hair

Things You Should Care for While Dying Your Hair:
· Do not apply dye to dirty and tangled hair. You hair should be clean and combed well before you dye them. Deep condition your hair a month before dying to maintain color. Trim hair especially dry and split ends to even out color. Hair should be slightly damp when dye is applied.
· Do not condition your hair a few hours before applying hair dye, shampooing will do the trick. Your hair needs to be free of free radicals such as dirt and oil as much as possible.
· After choosing a brand, apply a tiny amount of hair dye near your neck or behind your ear to see if irritation, redness, inflammation, allergy, hair loss or any bad reactions occur. Wash the affected area right away if this happens. Remember the instructions carefully. Do the patch test 1-2 days before hair dye application.
· Protect your skin by wrapping a towel around your neck as the dye can irritate your skin or affect your clothes.
· Gloves should be used and must be included in a hair dye kit. Applying petroleum jelly or cream around your ears and neck part will keep off stains. Wipe off oil after shampooing. If you do happen to stain your skin, don't worry, rubbing alcohol will remove dye stains from your skin
After dying, always rinse with cold or tepid water to avoid your own hair from falling out.

Dandruff; Causes and Natural Remedies

Dandruff is the most common hair problem. People of all ages have this problem. It’s more of a social issue than a medical one, as you feel embarrassed if someone notices the snow on your shoulders.

Dandruff is a skin condition in which you experience the shedding of a flaky white substance from your scalp. You have itching and skin gets infected. Dandruff is also known as scurf, it is due to the excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. As it is normal for skin cells to die and flake off, a small amount of flaking is normal and in fact quite common. Some people, however, either chronically or as a result of certain triggers, experience an unusually large amount of flaking, which can also be accompanied by redness and irritation. Most cases of dandruff can be easily treated with specialized shampoos and home remedies. Simple dandruff does not cause hair loss.

Home Remedies for Dandruff:

Home remedies are a very safe way of dealing with dandruff. The home solutions are not only safe but also inexpensive and have good results.

The antifungal properties of tea tree oil have been reported as useful in the treatment of dandruff.
Shampoo containing active ingredients like Zinc pyrithione, Ketoconazole(anti-fungal ingredient), Selenium sulfide are very effective for dandruff treatment.
For soothing and curing dandruff, Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Neem oil (antifungal & antiitching) 1 teaspoon Teatree or Manuka (also antifungal) which much stronger than teatree, one teaspoon of Rosemary oil and one teaspoon of Lavender oil together in 3 tablespoons of carrier oils such as Olive or Almond oil (Wheat germ and Macadamia carrier oils closely match your natural sebum) and apply to your scalp weekly. Massage well and keep it on over night and wash your hair in the morning.
The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Vinegar is also very good for removing dandruff, take a half cup of plain white vinegar, with a cotton wool dabbed in the vinegar apply it on your scalp and leave it for an hour before washing your hair.
Washing hair regularly also prevents dandruff, and its better if you apply curd in your hair and keep it on for an hour before washing with a mild shampoo.
The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be soaked overnight in water and ground into a fine paste in the morning. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with any mild shampoo.
As with all remedies please patch test first for any allergic reactions that you might have with any of the ingredients, if you are prone to allergies.